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International Congresses on Education 2022

Nicosia/TRNC    22-25 September / 2022

ERPA Congresses 2020

Değerli Katılımcılar,

Küresel boyutta yayılım gösteren ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından pandemi olarak ilan edilen COVID19 virüsü ile ilgili gelişmeler yakından takip edilmektedir. Düzenleme Kurulu olarak son ana kadar kongrenin ilan edilen zamanda ve yerde yapılabilmesi için gerekli çalışmalara devam edilmiştir. Ancak son zamanlarda yaşanılan gelişmeler ve alınan tedbirler ile birlikte kongreyi yüz yüze yapabilme ihtimalinin tamamen ortadan kalktığı görülmektedir.

Bu kapsamda ERPA 2020 Düzenleme Kurulu olarak;

1) Kongrenin çevrimiçi uzaktan sunum olarak yapılmasına,

2) Daha önce sözlü - etkileşimli poster sunum olarak kayıt yaptırmış olan katılımcıların kongre katılım türünün çevrimiçi uzaktan sunum olarak değiştirilmesine,

3) Sözlü - etkileşimli poster sunum ve dinleyici olarak kayıt yaptıran ödemesini yapmış olan katılımcıların bu değişiklikten ortaya çıkan ücret farkının katılımcılara iadesine,

4) Çevrimiçi uzaktan sunumların nasıl hazırlanacağı ve gönderileceği ile ilgili detaylı bilginin en kısa zamanda katılımcılara e-posta yoluyla iletilmesine,

5) Çevrimiçi uzaktan yapılan sunumlara ait katılım belgelerinin e-posta ve / veya posta yoluyla katılımcılara ulaştırılmasına,

7) ERPA Uluslararası Eğitim Kongreleri 2020 de çevrimiçi uzaktan sunum yoluyla sunulan bildiri tam metinlerinin,

a) Özet ve tam metin bildiri kitaplarının ISBN’li e-kitap olarak yayınlanmasına,

b) ERIC indeksinde taranan "International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies" dergisinde yazarların talep etmesi ve kongre düzenleme kurulunun uygun görmesi durumunda; derginin yayın ve yazım kuralları çerçevesinde düzenlenmesi ve hakem süreçlerinden geçmesi kaydıyla özel sayı olarak yayınlanmasına,

c) ERIC ve SCOPUS indekslerinde taranan “Participatory Educational Research (PER)” dergisinde ve kongreyi destekleyen diğer dergilerde; dergilerin yayın ve yazım kuralları çerçevesinde düzenlenmesi ve hakem süreçlerinden geçmesi kaydıyla makale formatında yayınlanmasına imkan sağlanmasına,

8) Kongrenin 10-12 Nisan 2020 tarihleri arasında hangi web adresi üzerinden canlı yayınlanacağı, çevrimiçi olarak katılımcıların, izleyicilerin nasıl katılım sağlayacağı ve kongre programı ile ilgili gerekli çalışmaların tamamlanmasının ardından daha sonra ilan edilmesine

karar verilmiştir.

Anlayışınız için teşekkür eder, sağlıklı günlerde iyi çalışmalar dileriz.




Dear participants,

The situation related to the globally spread COVID19 virus, which the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, is closely monitored. As the Organizing Committee, until the last moment, we have been endeavouring to hold the congress at the time and place announced before. However, as a result of the recent developments and measures taken by governments, it became obvious that it is impossible to hold the congress face to face, as planned.

In this context, ERPA 2020 Organizing Committee has decided to;

1) To organise the congress as online remote presentations,

2) To change status of participants who registered to make oral - interactive poster presentations into online remote presentations,

3) To refund the fee difference arising from this change to the participants who registered and paid their fees for oral - interactive poster presentation and to the participants who registered and paid as a listener.

4) To inform, via e-mail as soon as possible, the participants on how to prepare and send online remote presentations,

5) To deliver the participation certificates to the participants by e-mail and / or mail for online remote presentations,

6) Full texts of papers presented at ERPA International Education Congresses 2020 via online remote presentation,

a) To publish abstracts books and full-text-papers books as e-books with ISBNs,

b) To publish in an ERIC index scanned journal "International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies" as a special issue on the authors’ request and with the approval of the congress organizing committee provided that they pass through the referee processes and the papers are edited within the framework of publication and, writing and publishing rules of the journal.

c) To provide the opportunity to publish the as an article in the journal scanned by ERIC and SCOPUS indexes “Participatory Educational Research (PER)”  or in other journals supporting the congress; provided that they are edited within the framework of the publication and writing rules of the journals and that they pass the referee processes,

7) To announce the congress program later together with the web address where the congress will be broadcast live between 10-12 April 2020, how the participants and the audience will participate after all the arrangements have been done.

Thank you for your understanding and wish all of you healthy days.

Sincerely yours



All abstracts submitted to ERPA International Congresses on Education 2020 undergo blind review process by at least two anonymous reviewers. All abstracts need to include the short abstract followed by long abstract which should include the topic and the problem, significance of the study, the objective and the methods used in the research, results and a short discussion/conclusion. Moreover, keywords (4-6 keywords) need to be added at the end of the short abstract (100-150 words). The long abstract should include minimum 500 words and maximum 700 words. Official languages in congress are English and Turkish. Ten branch congresses will be held concurrently;

ERPA Uluslararası Eğitim Kongreleri 2020’ye gönderilen bütün bildiri özetlerinde en az iki hakemin değerlendirdiği kör hakemlik süreci işletilecektir. Tüm bildiri özetlerinde, başlık, problem cümlesi, çalışmanın önemi, amaç, yöntem, bulgular ve tartışma/sonuca yönelik bilgiler verilmelidir. Gönderilecek bildirilerde kısa ve uzun özetler yer almalıdır. Kısa özet 100-150 kelime ve uzun özet 500-700 kelime arasında olmalı ve 4-6 anahtar kelime yer almalıdır. Kongre yazım ve sunum dili İngilizce veya Türkçe olup bildiri özetleri sisteme iki dilden biri tercih edilerek yüklenmelidir. Eşzamanlı olarak gerçekleştirilecek kongreler aşağıdadır;


  • ERPA International Educational Sciences Congress
  • ERPA International Science and Mathematics Education Congress
  • ERPA International Social Sciences Education Congress
  • ERPA International Health and Sports Science Education Congress
  • ERPA International Music and Fine Arts Education Congress
  • ERPA International Special Education Congress
  • ERPA International Computer Education and Instructional Technology Congress
  • ERPA International Language Education Congress
  • ERPA International Management of Education Congress
  • ERPA International Engineering and Architecture Education Congress


SHS Web of Conferences issue

Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure to inform you that selected full texts presented in ERPA 2022 have been published in SHS Web of Conferences.

SHS Web of Conferences Issue



Date of Announcement:   2022-11-29

ERPA 2022 Book of Proceedings

ERPA International Congresses on Education 2021 Book of Abstracts is available, please click the link provided below.

ERPA 2022 FULLTEXT (e-Book of Proceedings)

Date of Announcement:   2022-12-24

ERPA 2022 Book of Abstracts

ERPA International Congresses on Education 2021 Book of Abstracts is available, please click the link provided below.


Date of Announcement:   2022-10-11

Zoom link Information of Virtual Halls

Virutal Hall I 
Meeting Time: 23 September 2022 09:30 a.m. Nicosia / TRNC
Session V1, V3, V5, V7,V9
Join the zoom meeting throught the following link or meeting id and password:
Meeting ID: 844 9677 8527
Password: 012844
Virtual Hall II
Meeting  Time: 23 September 2022 09:30 a.m. Nicosia / TRNC
Session V2, V4, V6, V8, V10
Join the zoom meeting throught the following link or meeting id and password:
Meeting ID: 839 8564 4644
Password: 399292

Date of Announcement:   2022-09-23

Detailed Congress Programme of ERPA 2022

Detailed Congress Programmes of ERPA International Congresses on Education 2022 is available below.

For Single Oral Presentations please click here

For Virtual Presentations please click here

For General Congress Programme please click here

Date of Announcement:   2022-09-21


Dear ERPA participants,

Selected proceedings in ERPA Congresses on Education 2022 will be send for review and then will be sent to the journal of SHS Web of Conferences for publication (if the authors request and pay the publication fee)ERPA 2015, ERPA 2016, ERPA 2017, ERPA 2018 and ERPA 2019 issues that are published in SHS Web of Conferences have already indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). These proceedings should obey the publication rules of the journal.

Sincerely yours,


Date of Announcement:   2022-09-13

New Abstract Submission Deadline

Due to your intense expression of interest in participating, we are pleased to announce that the Abstract Submission Deadline has been extended!

New Abstract Submission Deadline is:  12  September 2022


Date of Announcement:   2022-09-02

New Template For Virtual Presentation

For Virtual Presentation template please click here.

Date of Announcement:   2022-08-22

Message from General Coordinator

Dear Colleagues,

It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you to the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2022 that will be held in Nicosia/TRNC from 22 to 25 September 2022. It is an honor for us to invite you to ERPA International Congresses on Education 2022 in which your invaluable contributions will help us to have a fruitful organization. I hope that you will have pleasant memories of this Congress which will be a chance for you to meet colleagues, have the opportunity to discuss your work, and establish the ground for new collaborations and joint efforts.

I look forward to meeting you in the congress.

With kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Fikret SOYER

General Coordinator of ERPA International Congresses on Education 2022

Date of Announcement:   2022-02-24
